

knative官网,knativeKnative是一个开源平台,旨在帮助您在云中运行和管理Serverless应用程序。它使用Kubernetes作为其基础设施,以及Istio,Envoy和Knative Resouce Model来构建部分的服务网格依赖性。通过将相同的API映射到Kubernetes Pod部署上下文中的函数上之外,它还可以集成企业应用、长时间运行服务、将函数打包到单独的Docker容器中。


Knative是一个开源平台,旨在帮助您在云中运行和管理Serverless应用程序。它使用Kubernetes作为其基础设施,以及Istio,Envoy和Knative Resouce Model来构建部分的服务网格依赖性。通过将相同的API(如HTTP / 2或gRPC)映射到Kubernetes Pod部署上下文中的函数(FaaS)上之外,它还可以集成企业应用、长时间运行服务、将函数打包到单独的Docker容器中。

Knative 结合了服务mesh 概念、微服务PaaS方法论, 以及 Serverless FaaS 架构. 具体而言 Knative 能带来原生 Kubernetes 集成能力, 不含额外开销的 服务形态 , 无侵入式 API 发现, 多语言代理 , 一般化郴量保障  咱剧巳也逸风焦特愤四五三.


Knative is an open source platform for deploying, managing and connecting serverless workloads on Kubernetes. It provides a set of components that let developers manage the lifecycle of their applications in the cloud, such as scaling up and down according to demand, automated configuration updates, and more. Knative also enables teams to easily connect existing services with each other using event-driven architectures. This makes it easier to create multi-cloud deployments or hybrid environments that span different clouds or on-premises infrastructure.


1. 安装Knative


kubectl apply –selector

–filename -crds.yaml

# install Knative Serving and Eventing components with default configuration

kubectl apply –filename download / v 0 . 13 . 0 / serving – core . yaml # 安装服务核心组件 kubectl apply — filename $ { KSONNET_APP } / knative – eventing . yaml # 安装事件处理组件




helm repo add https: // istio . io / charts # 添加 Istio Helm Chart Repo 三方库 helm install istiod istiocontrolplaneoistiocontrolplane — namespace istiornetworkingdnsautoredresservicegraphconfigmapgatewayversion 1。3。3•istidobridgeenabledtruehelm install kubeconfigr clusterrolebindingclusterroleclustersetuphelm upgrade controlpanel config — namespacemanifestsumpkgchartsvaluesfilesamplestemplatespreferencenamespaceknativenamenodeenabled true # 配置 Istio 的资源并把 Nodeport 转发到 ClusterIP,使得外部能访问 Service(innerport)上的Service(outerport) Minikube setup dashboard,then access it via browser http: // localhost : 8001 #安装minikube控制面板并通过浏览器访问 minikube get nodes • Checklist for setting up NodePort on Kubernetes Cluster (assuming that you have already set up the Ingres Controller): • Create a new Service of type NodePort using `Kubernetes Deployment workflow` or `Helm Charts`. • Make sure to specify the port range in your service definition file like “ports: [{ port: 80, nodePort : 30000 }]” where 30000 will be the port assigned by Kubernetes to your Pod’s Service Object when creating it through the deployment process described above in the first step (this value needs to be unique throughout all services running in that cluster). • Use ‘kubectl get svc’ command to check what was the allocated NodePort number after deploying your application successfully through Kubernetes Deployment Workflow or Helm Charts (the recently created service should have one listed there). Now you can use this value as an external address for accessing your Pod’s service from outside world without any further configuration changes required! “`