

gcccloud的简单介绍GCC Cloud是一家基于阿拉伯联合酋长国的全球数字服务供应商,专注于为中小型企业提供安全可靠的在线体验。GCC Cloud还独创ISE Labs, 提供Microsoft Azure,Hyper-V ,Amazon Web Services ,VMware ESXi 和微软Office 365 等各种即用即用方案. ISE Labs还能够帮助企业快速将PC上耗时冗杂而重复的工作流剥离出去,并根据不断发生的情况迅速作出相应评估。gcloud 命令1. gcloud auth login:用于登录 Google Cloud Platform 帐号。GCloudGCloud is a cloud computing platform developed by Google. It provides services to host applications and store data on virtual machines, as well as other cloud-based services such as machine learning, analytics, storage and networking. GCloud also includes an open source version of the Google Compute Engine service which provides access to a wide range of operating systems including Windows and Linux servers in addition to specialized software images used for application development.


GCC Cloud是一家基于阿拉伯联合酋长国的全球数字服务供应商,专注于为中小型企业提供安全可靠的在线体验。他们提供快速部署、可扩展、弹性托管的IT资源,包括物理服务器、虚拟服务器(VPS)、Dedicated Servers 以及Cloud hosting 等。

GCC Cloud还独创ISE Labs, 提供Microsoft Azure,Hyper-V ,Amazon Web Services (AWS),VMware ESXi 和微软Office 365 等各种即用即用方案. ISE Labs还能够帮助企业快速将PC上耗时冗杂而重复的工作流剥离出去,并根据不断发生的情况迅速作出相应评估。

gcloud 命令

1. gcloud auth login:用于登录 Google Cloud Platform 帐号。

2. gcloud config list:检查配置文件中的设置;

3. gcloud info:显示客户端相关信息;

4. gcloud components install [COMPONENT_ID]:安装新的 SDK 组件;

5.gcloud projects create [PROJECT_ID] –name [PROJECT-NAME] :创建一个新 GCP 项目;

6.g cloud compute project-info describe –project=[PROJECT_ID] :返回特定项目的扩展详情;

7.g cloud compute instances list 或者/–zone=us-central1-f/–filter=”status:running” :返回有效地负载均衡器列表或包含特定选项的正在运行的虚拟机列表。


GCloud is a cloud computing platform developed by Google. It provides services to host applications and store data on virtual machines, as well as other cloud-based services such as machine learning, analytics, storage and networking. GCloud also includes an open source version of the Google Compute Engine (GCE) service which provides access to a wide range of operating systems including Windows and Linux servers in addition to specialized software images used for application development.